Does my camera reconnect to my Wi-Fi network automatically?




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    I have unpleasant my camera and unplugged my wyfi alnd still nothing

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    I’ve done everything I’ve been dealing with this for a year the battery dies and looses connection but this time won’t connect has 70% sun from 7AM till 4PM shows charging but still does after 3days really think camera is junk

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    I've done all the rebooting connecting and disconnecting. I have good internet connection both wifi and cabled. I go to systems and check the wifi availabile connections and the camera doesn't show up. Everything is working except the camera

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    Roku Support

    Roku remote is not working issue :
    Many Roku users go through roku remote stopped working issue and have to face this problem almost daily. It is a common problem and can be resolved easily by following a few troubleshooting solutions. However, before digging into the solutions there are a couple of things that you need to know and understand. In this blog, we are going to cover the solutions that you can follow to fix Roku remote not working problem | But if you have already tried your fair share in resolving the issue and want an immediate response then get in touch with the Roku experts for a technical solution.
    For other Roku related queries contact us on Roku Support.

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